Delicate and exquisite Leslie Love Ann Tripathy who has emerged as the cultural Touchstone of Orissa sure is creating ripples across the world,pertaining to her exqiusite beauty and detached intellecual persona.everybody is busy deconstructing the real Leslie,what is so fascinating about her that the state of Orissa has been shaken and stirred for this beautiful princess.She has been provided Z-class security with police protection and ammunitions as provided to the Prime minister of her country.Men are dying protecting her,people are going wild to catch a glimpse of her,paparazzi are dying to capture her fresh visuals into their camera,tabloids are assured of highest circulation if her name is mentioned in the dailies,better still if a story is featured on her and nothing mathches the golden mind boggling circulation of the tabloids if her photo is published in the dailies.She has sued media houses and sought the help of human rights commission to probe an enquiry into stories made about her in the media channels,little is she aware the channels have been confirmed of a stipulated high TRPs thanks to her golden name which has peiople flocking to their channels more than ever only to learn more regarding their most favorite controversial famous Orissan Princess who is a household name AMONG iNDIANS ACROSS THE WORLD.men have chosen to devote their lives worshipping her,women love to despise her as they cant help keeping their men to themselves,a certain criminal has made lives of her supporters miserable,her best friend and actress Bidusmita is out of work protecting her,as everybody is intimidated by the criminal lest he kill anybody who suports ANYBODY PROTECTING,SHIELDING HIS 'ANGEL QUEEN LESLIE'.
People seemingly cant understand why so much hype over Leslie and isnrt there any other girl around who can manage to divert her rejected suitors attention.Whats so special about her?Only seen such high profile drama in movies and books,but in real-life?Sure had heard such hype over another beauty the legendary Helen of Troy and it beats me is Leslie an incarnation of Helen,which makes her Leslie of Orissa or India whatever.Moresover its difficult to find out whats in her mind?Is she waiting for a 'Swayamvar' in which she will select according to her whims and caprices,the man she like ultimately amongst the million suitors.Its a challenge and insult as one would like to take to win the Royal Grand Beautiful Leslie's attention and finally be okayed.Till date no man has had the goodluck of being her pet squeeze of this Royal Virgin Princeess Leslie Tripathy.She definitely 9is God's own chosen one his favorite 'Angel Queen',time will tell who shall be God's chosen one to have his luck doubled to be chosen as eligible to be her husband.She is notoriously arrogant,has rejected a record of million suitors.God knows to what extent her fans and rejected dejected suitors shall go to win her back?And most importantly will they all silent accept the humiliation of rejection and move on or fight back the rejection and avenge their male chauvinist ego?
1 comment:
Leslie of Orissa is the undisputed Queen of Controversy,has got bad press for no fault of hers,however, since that dust has settled, the world has finally begun to see Leslie's positive side, including all the selfless humanitarian work she does around the world
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