Samantha Ronson dropped a bombshell today when she admitted she doesn't work out. Apparently, the folks at People couldn't get enough of Sam's "svelte" figure in a bikini this week. Which leads me to believe they get wet in the pants at the sight of Amy Winehouse - another 12-lines-a-day diet success story:
When asked about the secrets to her slim physique, Ronson, 30, told PEOPLE that less – a lot less – is more: "No gym – well, not in the last five years. All the credit goes to Mom and Dad and their genes!"Not that she doesn't indulge in the occasional cardio activity: "Sprinting through airports to catch flights," Ronson added about her workout "regiment."The deejay even jokes about one of her only vices: Marlboro Reds. "I get winded just reaching for my cigarettes!" she said.
She gets winded reaching for her smokes. God, why are all the good ones gay?
When asked about the secrets to her slim physique, Ronson, 30, told PEOPLE that less – a lot less – is more: "No gym – well, not in the last five years. All the credit goes to Mom and Dad and their genes!"Not that she doesn't indulge in the occasional cardio activity: "Sprinting through airports to catch flights," Ronson added about her workout "regiment."The deejay even jokes about one of her only vices: Marlboro Reds. "I get winded just reaching for my cigarettes!" she said.
She gets winded reaching for her smokes. God, why are all the good ones gay?
"Svelte"?! This man in a bikini is pouchy and blubbery. Anyone looking at his fugly and pasty image that if he jumped, all his shit would jiggle with him. UGH! Excuse me while I go vomit. By the way, how much longer do we have to look at this man, who happens to have a head shaped like a corpse? And looks like he smells like one too?
And he's giving an interview to PEOPLE? Does he think he's a celebrity now, just because he happens to be the ugliest person in the world, with a forhead the size of a driveway, and a face like a weasel? Take your corpse smell and beat it, bikini man. Do us all a favor--get winded reaching for your cigarettes and pass out.
Actually compared to Amy "Crackhouse"...Ronson looks like a pin-up doll! But that is not saying much...LiLo must like toothpick legs and arms to play with in bed. I would sure like to play with LiLo's funbags in bed...she looks HOT in the black bikini...then maybe she would let me lubricate her big tits with my man juice?
She officially turns me off women!! She looks like a pre-op!!
um... she OBVIOUSLY doesn't work out. she looks like she just doesn't eat much either.
She looks like shit, who are these people requesting more pictures?!?
You can ALWAYS tell when a girl starves (and smokes) herself thin, versus a girl who actually goes to the gym. There is a World of difference. Sure, she isn't fat, but she still grosses me out.
Lindsay walks a fine line there too. Giver her another 8 years I guess.
Of course she's healthy - she stays away from "MEAT"!
Frankly - seeing Lindsay in these pix reminds me the male of the species didn't lose out too much when she decided to switch HER DIET!
Yeah...ugly as all get out. I didn't say she wasn't. Just for being 30, she's got a great body. Work out or not. I'm 31 and I have to WORK for the body I've got. She doesn't and she looks like that. Life is NOT fucking fair, I tell you what
Who knew crotch-carpet would be so thinning?
Having good genes is certainly a benefit in Samantha's case, who yes, does look great in a bikini, showing off her washboard stomach and birth giving hips but eating properly is also a must. Start your day right every morning and eat healthy during the rest of the day and you too, can look like a teen at 30.
Great work Samantha!
How many pics of this stank pasty carpet mucnher are we supposed to see? She is hideous. She looks like her crotch is all sardines. That is not nice.
The only muscle she for sure works-out is her TONGUE.. ewwww!!
She's clearly paying off someone at People to write these things. Samantha is somehow anorexic-skinny, yet fat at the same time.
The folks at "People" are fucked up.
This must be commissioned publicity or something. Did they notice her muscle atrophy and miserable hunched over posture as well?
It's crazy...get some of those "hottest beach body" editions of the tabloids...one will have the exact same pics on their "hot" list as another tabloid has on their "not" list. I saw one with Locklear as "hot" - and she's wearing one of those belted girdle one-piece contraptions. May have had Jocelyn Wildenstein face in the pic, too.
@26 - Just lay around in a narcotics haze and don't eat any actual food. You'll have Ronsons awesome concentration camp physique in no time! I too thought to point out the absence of a washboard stomach. Actual washboard abs on a woman probably aren't very healthy, anyway.
@27 - She does look like she's genuinely enjoying the moment. Don't try to convince me her physique is anything to brag about, though.
@49 *snicker*
My wiener! My wiener! It's gone! It's totally gone! A firehose doesn't just shrivel up and die does it? (uncontrollable tears of scaredy-frighten-confusion-like-a-four-year-old, only less mature) Gimme back my penis! Wah-ha-ha-ha! sniff! I'll be a good boy, I'll never touch myself inappropriately again, without giving myself permission, especially at Sam's Club on a Saturday afternoon. sniff!sniff!snort! Oh look, hey, there, there it is, hiding like a frightened python with my balls under the couch - come to Daddy, it's okay, I turned off the bad ol' internet, we'll never watch it again, good boys, good boys, aren't you all my good boys, there, there Daddy forgives you, lets never fight again.
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