Tuesday, April 29, 2008

media’s obsession with orissa’s leslie tripathy

its heart-breaking to learn the way Leslie Tripathy is being harassed by theIndian and oriya tabloids and media.leslie seems the only news focus of all these tabloids and channels,everytime one reads the newspaper its all about leslie,she’s newsheadlines.everytime switch on the news channels either leslie features as the breaking news(where the media is hounding her every move)or the next time you see a bunch of wastrels trying to get publicity giving their freaky opinion on leslie.
though its undeniable that the interest of people in getting some information regarding the phenomenal,glamorous,exquisitely beautiful leslie is what people are intersted in ,comparisions are made and even said, ‘never had the media been interested in a celebrity’s life as much they have been in Leslie Tripathy’s life as before in Marillyn Monroe and Princess Diana,now that they are no more,orissa’s leslie fills the void’


Anonymous said...

damn, she has nuuuge nose!

Anonymous said...

I meant HUUUUGE!!!