Monday, June 2, 2008

Leslie Love Tripathy poised at the height of Nordic beauty

With eyes half open Leslie is still poised at the height of Nordic beauty.Fashion-lookers take note: whether bejeweled, fur-wrapped, or peeking out from under the brim of a soft hat, Lesliey shines with self-confidence. Need style inspiration? Lesliey’s fashions are playful, but always becoming. No matter what she wears – trench coat, beret, or sarees,gowns,feminine dresses – it suits her.the British-Indan model/actress/humanitarian has remained a legendary icon of glamour, real talent, and mystique. Today, her feminine presence continues to inspire style gurus, film lovers,forsaken and needy people she has distributed love to even youths across the globe and fashion mavens.However, most would agree her life is neither typical nor perfect.

Throughout her career, she refused to be interviewed, answer fan mail, or sign autographs – which only heightened her mystique and glamour.she hated getting familiar with anybody,a social royal recluse,she had a great number of people waiting to please her,but she liked to maintain distance from them,never went out on dates with either boys or girls,at times she socialized and traveled with upperclass society family friends. she has struggled with her health – yet never gave up habits such as her obsession with a slender slim physique and non-stop partying with her close royal gutsy brave friends with whom she was very comfortable ,though there been times she royally chose to shut all her friends away and be left alone like garbo.

Leslie Tripathy has been the most difficult and misunderstood celebrity the world has ever witnessed .its very difficult,extremely difficult to deconstruct this shy,stiff upper lip,who displays a variety of characters and numerous mood swings(a cancerian trait): professional and smooth, shy and lovely,frightened and naive,vulnerable yet beaming a great strength of character,signing autographs,posing with fans yet shutting herself from the world going into hibernation,one moment granting interviews next avoiding media,one moment enchanting all with giggling and next moment sitting all sad,suffering in silence,poised and playful,exotic and sophisticated,one moment people's princess next ice maiden,young and innocent, maternal and nurturing,seem so near yet is so far beyond our human reach.

Leslie's each style and mood,characteristic is both startlingly beautiful and uniquely true to her.

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